Book bonus
Because you've purchased the book Stroke FORWARD: How to Become Your Own Healthcare Advocate . . .One Step at a Time, you deserve a special bonus give to accompany the book. So I've created a special Stroke FORWARD Toolkit for you.
The toolkit contains:
A list of my Top 12 Tips for Recovery that you may want to print out and save for yourself. You may also want to give the Top 12 Tips for Recovery to your friends and family. People need to understand where you are coming from now.
Resources. I had a hard time finding resources. They were available, but figuring out how to use the keyboard was almost beyond me. Here are a few gems that you and your caregiver may find interesting.
Videos done with my physical therapist showing right-side and left side movement. Getting better requires a lot of small muscle movements. These videos show how we did it.
We want to share what we learned. If you find these resources valuable, please tell other stroke survivors, caregivers, and therapists so that our community continues to grow and learn.
Click on the button below to sign up for your free kit!​