What if you could reboot your brain?
Now, you can. . . safely and without drugs.
James' testamonial
"The biggest thing that helped me was neurofeedback because . . . I mean your brain gets scrambled in a concussion. The pathways are discombobulated and the brain is just not functioning properly."
"It makes sense. If some area of your brain is inflamed, then those neuropathways have to change to get from A to B. . ."

Discover the 1st Neurofeedback System
With Image Based Evidence Of Success.
The IASIS Micro Current Neurofeedback (MCN) device treats the source of the issues rather than masking the symptoms with drugs. People who use this device say they experience release from a number of physical, emotional, and mental conditions.
It's like rebooting a computer that stops working correctly. The brain has stuck in a pattern that doesn't allow the client to experience life the way they want to. IASIS MCN allows the brain to reorganize itself and shift from fixed patterns to fluid patterns. During this process, the brain builds new neural pathways and increases neuroplasticity.
Holistic and drug-free
510K FDA Registered as a class II medical device
Affordable, safe, and non-invasive
Effective and enduring
The brain can heal itself:
PTSD & Trauma Symptoms
Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
Parkinson's Disease
Autism Spectrum Disorder
Long Covid Symptoms
Lyme Disease
Memory Disorders
Stress Management
Emotional Regulation
Up-regulated Nervous System
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
And more . . .
Jan's Testamonial

Jan's Testimonial
"I was struggling to get rehab. And I kept hunting for any kind of exercises to help me do it. I found a 10-hour long party video on YouTube to help me try to get used to words. And it allowed me to go to restaurants . . . sort of."
"But, the one thing I kept saying was, 'I have to try these things. Because I would hate to find out 10 years from now that if I had just tried this, I'd be all better.'"
"I can tell you that this worked unbelievably for me."
"If I had found this back then, I would have been back working."
Today, Jan has a job.
“I had a stroke. No one really knows what it is like unless they have also experienced a brain injury. I had aphasia (a speech disorder) from my stroke, so talking . . . well, I couldn't do much. I was so frustrated because, when the words didn't come out it felt like a little piece of my was dying. Because of IASIS Microcurrent Neurofeedback, I can speak naturally now. In fact, I speak to audiences all across the U.S.!
It takes more time than expected to recover from a brain injury. I learned to savor the small things as they happened, and rejoice when I made a breakthrough. This device was a miracle for me!”